Chapter 6 Don't Wait Until it's in the Vault!
What's the Vault?
Well the Funko Company just like Disney throws their products into a vault causing fans to run frantic to find it before it's gone. The difference being Disney warns you while Funko may not. It's a surprise every fan doesn't like seeing. These vaulted products won't be released to buy again until years and years have past or worst case may never come back! Products in the Vault will not be availafor purchase at your local retailer making them into exclusives.
Who do we have from the Vault?
Currently we have Pac Mans Inky and Blinky Funkos as well as the Mr. Miyagi Funko from the Karate Kid.
Don't worry fans we will let you know when we obtain more Vaulted Funkos or if they get vaulted. Get these Funkos in the meantime before they're gone..... They won't always be here!
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